Thursday, 14 December 2006
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
26 Letters Movie
I have uploaded my 26 Letters movie file to you Tube - the link is here:
I really enjoyed doing this in the end, although it was a bit of a baptism of fire in the world of motion graphics and After Effects. I spent most of the time allocated for this brief on the paperwork, and read the book Moving Type: Designing for Time and Space by Matt Woolman and Jeff Bellantoni, which was pretty much the perfect book to research this brief. the only real problem was that by the time I worked out what I had to do, I had run out of time, but I feel it was worthwhile as I now understand the medium a lot more.
The piece itself is exactly what was on my paperwork, and as a result I think it could actually be edited a bit tighter to the music, as it might be slightly out by a frame or two, and I could easily fix this, but at the moment I have to get on with the next assignment in flash.
Sunday, 10 December 2006
26 Letters 1

The next assignemnt after the Juxtaposition thing was "26 Letters". The first part of this involved finding the shapes for 26 letters whilst out and about, photographing them until we had a curtom aphabet. We then traced all the shapes in Illustrator.
The second part of this brief was to make an After Effects movie, animating the shapes to music.
Friday, 8 December 2006

I am currently looking at doing my first Flash site, and have looked at many for research, but particulary like this one. The animation and navigation works really well, and it has a lovely vibe. The combination of animation and design also works well, juxtaposing the classic and historical modernist them with modern technolgy.