Monday, 2 April 2007

The Professional Studies Assignment - Conclusions

I have reasearched my Professional Studies Brief (which can be viewed in the link above).

I have been able to find out enough from my research to draw these conclusions: I am interested in many areas of Digital media, but it is obvious that one man alone cannot do everything, and if this was attempted, it would certainly be a case of “jack of all trades, master of none”. I had this idea before I started that I would like to look at Motion Graphics and Typography (the more Logo / Display variety), and I think having had a really good look at what's out there and practicioners in that field I realise that this is a viable option.

My professional studies assignment got me to look at a range of work, both things I am interested in and things that are going on within commuter distance to where I live here in Wrexham. I suppose it would be fair to say that if I was looking at this from the view of what is out there where there are jobs available I may have decided to switch to a web design or even print design path, but whilst I like both these I don't really have a passion for it. I'd like to be able to be really into what I am doing, and I think by concentrating on motion design I will be.

There are factors that have helped me decide:

The character design brief: The layering and collage of images are techniques that would be used lots in this field, Photoshop and after effects projects could be built in a similar way.

The Fusion of graphic design / image making, animation and music (my old job was in music) is dynamic and natural to me (well at least working with music on a timeline is. the animation could be hard, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it)

I feel that this area is really building right now, and my research found that there is a shortage of really good motionographers in the UK. Freelance rates for experienced designers are £250-300 a day, and thier expertise is in high demand. I also think there could easily be more of a fusion between motion graphics on the web and motion graphics for broadcast. Despite many differences, both Flash and After Effects work on a timeline, (although Flash has always been notoriously bad at sound synchronisation), there is scope to work within braodcast media and for net based work.

I will keep a hand in with web design in some format, but I wouldn't approach it in the same way that one of my fellow students would if they were to specialise is this field. I think by doing the odd website, possibly more in keeping with what I will be doing with motion work or a simple portfolio site for myself should be enough to keep in the loop to some extent. If I required to do anything more for a site, i'm sure I could collaborate with a web-developer.

My research for the professional studies brief is here

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