Lawrence Zeegen runs the graphic design and illustration course at the University of Brighton, and wrote the book 'Digital Illustration', which I found very useful. He is amongst other things, an image maker and utilises technology and computers to create his work. He seems to have a liberal outlook, and I found his book very approachable. Unlike many in the world of art, he avoids using tedious jargon to over-complicate his books and justify his position. This makes his books invaluable. (I read Digital Illustration prior to doing my character design brief).
The other reason he is here is because he has a great CSS site, and I am currently building mine. His site is in the same style as his book, in fact it is cleverly almost the same. Great design and branding, which is a good example to me all round.
I emailed Lawrence for a bit of future networking, and to try and find illustrators / image makers to collaborate with in the future. Collaborating can be great if it works out (this was the case in my past music job, where I always worked with another person). 1+1 can equal 5.
here's Lawrence's reply:
Hi Matthew
Thanks for your email and the posting - just a small point, you got my surname wrong -Zeegen not Zeegan!
I do have another book on the go - Secrets of Digital Illustration - out in Aug/Sept.
Also- did you see The Fundamentals of Illustration (AVA)? That came out late 2005.
I might be interested in getting some of work moving - what's the deal..?
all the best
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