This brief required us to study people in their environment, take photos, go out and sketch and observe people. We then had to explore various media to compose and illustration. Screen and Mono printing were encouraged and we were given more time to finish and experiment.
I admit to having trouble initially getting the characters and environment down in my sketchbook, as I felt a bit paranoid trying to draw and photo strangers in Wrexham. It's the kind of thing that could land you with a punched face. My kids luckily were on hand as plan B, and I was able to abstract my two loveable little daughters into a pair of mini gangsters. I wouldn't have considered myself “good at drawing”, but have found by repeated work on the same characters and trying lots of different ways of mark-making you can still get a good enough result.
I read a book on Digital Illustration by Lawrence Zeegan which I found highly beneficial and inspiring. It helped the brief make sense, and meant I was able to recognise the methods the tutors were suggesting and have a go at it. On reflection I think it was the easiest assignment, and the only one that didn't really stress me out. I'd love to be able to integrate this kind of thing into my design work next year.
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