Monday, 21 May 2007

My end-of-the-schoolyear post - Conclusions

This year has been a real eye-opener. I have been 100 times busier than I thought I would be, and feel that I have learned a lot. It's not all totally positive, as this course packs so much in one year, it is quite hard to keep up! (In my case impossible to get a grasp of everything).

I feel I have learned my strengths and weaknesses, and I think I will try to stay on for the 3rd year to get my BA (just as insurance), as I don't plan to go back to education again now if possible in this lifetime (too old!). To avoid unecessesary babble I will do a list of my college related strengths and weaknesses:

Strengths -

1. Good at talking, blogging, communicating (in fact I think I do far too much of this!)
2. I think I have a fairly good eye for design and typography.
3. I am thorough (although this could be a hindrance at times!).
4. I know what I want to do.
5. I work hard, about as hard as I could have this year under my personal circumstances.
6. I take it very seriously.
7. I am quite good at at learning off my back.
8. I am good on the 'building-block' packages such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
9. Paperwork - I can do this well.

Weaknesses -

1. I get stressed.
2. I don't pick up software packages as quickly as I'd like to.
3. Flash - I didn't get enough time on this, and still haven't got as grip on it!
4. Self-confidence. this doesn't come easily to me. I only become confident through practice.
5. I take it very seriously - maybe too seriously!

aims for the next 12 months:

Bearing in mind I think I will try and do that extra year for my BA, thiis makes sense -

1. Refine my goals, start specialising more.
2. Practice, practice, practice!
3. Output, output, output!
4. Do more storyboarding.
5. To become a Photoshop ninja-dude. This will help with the next one...
6. Get into After Effects much more.
7. Look at some bespoke typography. I feel by having some of my own, I will up my worth and individuality etc.
8. Get a Digital SLR and start doing better photography.

that'll do. that's loads. I'm sure the evil-task masters at college will spend the next year throwing curve-balls at us, and I will be busy busy busy. Thank f*ck this years over!

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