Wow. I think I have finally really found some web designers that both really impress and float my boat! I had seen all those Hi-Res! bits, and really liked them, but i finally got around to checking WE FAIL out, and I am totally impressed.
WE FAIL's site for Eminem is pretty groovy and a good example of where Flash as been heading more recently with web video. It's still doesn't quite has that sense of "reality" you get when when you watch a quicktime video, there still that bit of glitchyness, but Flash video is already here (everyone watches youtube don't they?). There is also some audio issues with direct synchronisation not being ideal, but it is really getting in the right area.
The Eminem site does a great job. I also noticed that If regular stuff like information is needed there is a separate Eminem HTML/CSS site which can open in a new window. This is a “total” web solution can be done, covering all bases. There are horses for courses when it comes to web work, and if the client can afford to pay for the extra work, why not have your cake and it it too? I can now see where a web company might need staff coming from all sorts of disciplines.
I had read all about WE FAIL in Creative Review. It's a collaboration of and American guy and a Brit who have only ever met a few times, and work in different countries. They did come across slightly gobby, but now i have looked at their work it makes sense. They are pretty irreverent, and maybe that's what the sometimes po-faced Flash community needs anyway!. It seems they have the talent, and can make it work. This inspires me for various reasons, not least because I live in Wrexham, and can't go off moving to London. All I need now is that talent...
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