Friday, 8 June 2007

Curfew - Alternative idea for Magik Johnson

This was the 1st idea I had, which could be ok, but I prefer the monochrome thing.

Mo' Summer Work for Curfew Records

This one os for our friend in Auckland Dick Johnson, who signed his new track "Asylum Sneaker" to us. The Idea with these is they go on the Legal Download MP3 stores like Beatport.

I am very into old black and white vintage stuff, and am trying to get this feel here (obviously). It's quite nice to be able to just bang this stuff out without having to do all the college faffing about :)

Summer Work / Curfew Records

This summer i NEED to make money and get some heat back on my paying DJ / Record label / proucer job, but there is a good angle where I have to make graphics for the releases. We plan at least 4 of these, and i have been messing about with vibes i like. Hopefully later i can look at adding motion to these, but for now i am just messing about with image making and type and colour.

This is for Merkins, and i was looking for a screen look, kinda vintage but not too old, and adding a bit of texture in.

Monday, 4 June 2007